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Corporate Runaways

Overland travelers and certified geeks, based in Vermont.


9-Minute Read

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The jig didn’t work. The hinge was too bumpy and it was too much of a pain to try and put something under it, and we were frustrated enough with spending all that time on it that we didn’t want to do the modifications we know we need to do to make it usable in the future. So, we chopped off some of the excess MDF on the far side and used it as a guide.


4-Minute Read

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We have fluorescent lights and incandescent lights. The incandescent lights are old-school automotive lights that just make you depressed about how much power they’re taking and how little light they’re producing. I’m determined to replace them with LEDs. I’m determined to replace the fluorescent with LEDs too, but so far I am incapable of finding any LED tube lights of the appropriate length.


2-Minute Read

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Yesterday was a write-off. We took Dachary to the optometrist and then decided to be “healthy” and eat at the Whole Foods buffet. I got many small things. Dachary got some sushi and chicken salad. With one exception everything was terrible.

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A couple with 2 dogs and a thirst for exploring the places in-between.